O man. What a week! I got homework to do all over the place and it’s been pretty hectic. Fortunately for me (and hopefully for you), I was able to spare the time for one comic to get started on. A comic series that is not to be taken lightly. A comic series that comic fans across the globe consider the greatest dc superhero book ever made. A comic that spanned 81 issues from 1994 to 2001. A comic series that our very own Capt. Cletus highly recommends (See blog log #2: You don’t know jack?) This comic series is none other than: Starman. Written by James Robinson (Superman, Leave It to Chance) and art by Tony Harris (Ex Machina), Starman is a comic that I have gained and instant love for and haven’t felt this excited to read a comic since I first read Preacher. This is the story of Jack Knight, the son of the original Starman, Ted Knight, who first appeared in adventure comics number #61 (1941). Jack Knight opens the story as being the reluctant hero. He works at an antique/junk store and always scoffs at the family mantle of Starman. The story begins with Starman dying…. yea, I know, a short story huh? We come to learn that David Knight, Jack Knight’s brother, has taken up the mantle of Starman in result of Jack’s reluctance to the family “business”. The comic quickly becomes a story of survival as Jack Knight is pursued by many mysterious figures including Starman’s arch-nemesis, The Mist. Jack Knight, reluctantly decides to take up the name of Starman (but decides on new costume attire). I am currently reading this series in the new omnibus format that DC recently issued in June of this year and it is wonderfully put together (unlike the trades…). James Robinson does a great job portraying the story of Starman and is very good with inner monologue and character development. He uses very interesting and dynamic characters throughout the story, which makes it that more appealing. Another great thing about this book is that we get to see early Tony Harris art and watch him mature as an artist. Tony Harris’s pencils are just vital to Starman than are the James Robinson’s scripts. I wish I could tell you more about this book but unfortunately I am only on the fourth issue. But though I am already four issues in I can see why Entertainment Weekly called it, “the best-written superhero in comics” and why its been nominated numerous times for the Eisner. It is a classic superhero story that young and old comic fans can enjoy. So go read it….(insert witty ending).
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