Writer-Robert Kirkman
Penciler, Inker- Jason Howard
(This is a review. I tried not to spoil too much, but again, this is a review.)
Have you ever woken up in the woods (or any where else) wondering where you clothes where? Maybe you had drank a little too much? Maybe you were sleepwalking and decided it would feel better to be in the raw? Maybe, just maybe you are a werewolf? If your morning breath includes the taste of blood and/or there are dead bodies around, you have to wonder. Gary Hampton is a werewolf. A werewolf superhero, nonetheless… well, sort of. Now, let’s get on with issue # 8.
If you have been reading this book then you know what has lead up to the events we find in these pages. I picked up an Image Monster Pile up #1 a couple weeks ago and it was pretty cool. Within the pages of this Monster Pile up was a four-page Astounding Wolf- Man story that bridges issue # 7 and issue # 8. Amongst, The Astounding Wolf-Man story there was a FireBreather, Perhapnauts, and Proof. You should know that the regular creative teams did all the stories. I recommend trying to pick up the Monster pile up but you can be all right without it. The complete-ist in me says go out and get it.
Issue # 8 begins with the events leading right out of the Monster Pile up. (Yep, the dudes with guns in the office.) If you would like me to spoil the Pile up for you, drop an e-mail. Now, Gary Hampton has found himself in a very peculiar position, which leads him to hit the road. All this time he is also dealing with the tragedy that has just been dealt him (You know, false accusations and death and stuff.) and trying get back home to his daughter, Chloe. Chloe is back home at the Hampton’s Estate where her hatred can grow and grow and grow. But, we find out that this is not where Gary’s destination is to be… for now. He has some business to take care of before he can return home. Enter a new wolf-man. A larger, Rastafarian looking wolf-man, (but not jah love, one love, feeling ire, bop… bop… bop, kind of Rastafarian) who may be more important than Gary realizes.
The Astounding Wolf-Man is a Kirkman Image book. What else should I have to say? Now, I’m not saying it is to level of his other two (just yet) but it is still early. Jason Howard’s art on this book is pretty fantastic, as well. Image seems to be a company that understands how trades should be put out. (for the most part) They released the first trade paperback (including issue 1-7 and some pretty cool sketches, as well as, an intro by your boy Kirkman) that came out just before issue # 8. That means it is really easy for you to hop on RIGHT NOW and be caught up. So hit up your comic shop and add this title to the list of Kirkman Image books that you love reading. Just do it! Come on-Rob

*Note from the editor- Looking in the mirror only to see small blotches of skin, doesn’t mean you are a werewolf. Trust me! That is no excuse for being a hairy dude. You must embrace that we had no choice but to be warm and fuzzy. Join me, all you hairy dudes, let’s take it back! -Rob
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