Pinocchio survives the whale, Beauty and the Beast fell in love, and Snow White found her price charming… and then their stories began. Vertigo Comic’s Fables, written by Bill Willingham (Shadowpact, House of Mystery) and interior art by Mark Buckingham (Marvelman, Hellblazer) begins where these tales end. The fables have been banished from their home-worlds by the mysterious adversary who has ravaged multiple lands and worlds. These fables currently reside in an enchanted and sheltered part of New York City called Fabletown. The fables, who reside in fabletown, are fables who are able to appear or have an enchantment which makes them human. There is a separate part from the city called The Farm where animals such as the three little pigs, giants, and dragons, reside. There is not one central character but instead follows several different characters. The characters that are the main focus are Snow White, Bigby Wolf (Big Bad Wolf), and Prince Charming. Of course there are several stories, which feature any fable you can think of and some that you can’t. All the characters have received amnesty for their old crimes so Bigby Wolf, Frau Totenkinder, and Bluebeard are actually heroes. There are many great stories with a wide range of characters from little red riding hood to Rupenzel’s hairdresser. Bill Willingham creates a great fantasy/reality story that is both comedic and serious. One of the greatest thing about this series is its appeal to all people: men and women, young and old. It is a great story if you love fantasy and old fables. Its also a great series if you have ever seen a Disney movie and liked it. I believe that all people identify to one fable one-way or the other and Fables is the same way. Fables is currently on issue #75 so it is a very well developed and complex story. I read the first nine trades over the summer, so I am about to begin The Good Prince story arc. The fables team just recently acquired the rights to Peter Pan so he may not be far into the future. This is a great story that every comic reader should be reading. Clap if you believe in Fables!
1 comment:
Love these books. 1001 Nights has got to be in my top 5 graphic novels - and I hate graphic novels! Explain that to me please...
Sadly I have to rely on trades for the Fables (save for a few singles I do have) but I have been getting Jack of Fables since day 1 and it has been pretty great.
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