Written by: Peter J. Tomasi
Art by: Luke Ross
The Blackest Night grows ever closer and the menace of the Sinestro Corps remains ever present. A lot of people started picking this title up when the Sinestro Corps War event was going on but not everyone stuck with the title after the crossover was finished and boy howdy did they make a mistake. We have seen Mongul wielding multiple Yellow Power Rings, we have also seen the home planet of Mongul's frequent weapon "Black Mercy", We have seen a quintet of Sinestro Corps members who hunt and kill the family members of Green Lantern Corps Rookies and steal their eyes. We have seen the terrifying change in the Guardian who stood toe to toe with The Anti-Monitor and will live scarred for the rest of her life. We have seen the birth of the first ever Lantern Bar, Warriors. But most importantly we have been seeing the growing camaradarie and brotherhood growing between two of the greatest Green Lanterns to ever live, Guy Gardener, and Kyle Rayner. This has been an incredibly fun book that everyone should still be following.

Written by: Phil Hester
Art by: Michael Broussard
I have never been the biggest Top Cow fan. Marc Silvestri wasn't my favorite of the Image Founders and thus a house style based on his own never really grabbed me. Recently however there have been some titles and concepts that have really caught my attention. Bringing Ron Marz onto Witchblade for a 5 year long run was a smart decision, the growing talent of Stepan Sejic has been something worth watching, the idea of The Top Cow Pilot Season involves fans in a way that I think is incredibly interesting, but perhaps most importantly they brought one of my favorite current writers in the industry on to one of the only characters they have that has ever interested me. Back when they relaunched the series with Paul Jenkins writing and Dale Keown on art I decided to check it out and was pretty pleased with it for about 7 or 8 issues, but I eventually lost interest and stopped reading. Then I hear from an interview that Phil Hester is going to be taking on the third relaunch of the title. I have loved pretty much everything Phil has ever worked on, whether it was in his capacity as an incredibly talented artist or in his growing portfolio of incredibly engaging writing projects. I really think that this issue was amazing and that Michael Broussard has grown out of the house style and has become more than a Silvestri clone. This book is a quiet winner. Check it out.

Written by: Jay Faerber
Art by: Mahmud A. Asrar
With the recent announcement that Noble Causes will be ending with issue 40 it has become more and more important that people start checking out the other books that Jay Faerber is currently producing. So, my suggestion is to start with Dynamo 5. With two trade paperbacks already available it's easy enough to jump onto the title and start enjoying the incredible characters and relationships that are present in this title. Imagine, if you can, if a character like Superman who has a little less commitment to his marriage ... who had some illegitmate children ... and then died ... in the bed of one of his mistresses. His widow looks at the city around her and realizes that it needs protectors, and that only the offspring of her husband, the recently deceased lothario, will do. So she exposes them to the same radiation that gave Captain Dynamo his powere in the hopes that they will become super-humans as well, and it works, they each get one of his powers. And for a while they work together as a team. But Maddie's interference causes the group to disperse and now Scrap has put together a new Dynamo 5 and protects the city as best they can. CHECK THIS BOOK OUT!
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