Written by: Judd Winick
Art by: Julian Lopez
For a while now I have been reading the new incarnation of the Titans book. Judd Winick has a really good feel for the characters as he has shown throughout the appearances of each of them in the books he has done in the past but ultimately something in the first 4 issues felt flat. Ian Churchill was the artist on the first issue and left, then Joe Benitez came on to pencil issues 2, 3, & 4. Julian Lopez has come on for this story arc. Dan DiDio has also come on to do some more hands on editing from the Executive Editor's chair. This is also the beginning of the second story arc of the series. I'm not sure which of these three events contributed the most to making this issue better than the previous 4 but I'll take whatever answer works. Whether it is rejuvenation thanks to a new artist, a better reigning in by a new editor, or just being more interested in the new arc rather than feeling underwhelmed by the starting story, Winick has come back on to a much more exciting form that we have all come to enjoy. So I think if you felt like this book was stagnating that you can rest assured knowing that things are starting to heat up!

Written by: Christos Gage
Art by: Sean Chen
Starktech is down worldwide. Iron Man is useless, The Helicarriers have plunged into the sea, the technology provided by one of the world's leading minds to essential intelligence, military, and law enforcement agencies is now just so many paperweights. It must have seemed like such a good idea to arm those agencies with the best available technology. Sadly, the Skrulls knew all too well how much Earth's defenses relied upon the intelligence of her native son, Tony Stark, and figured out a way to shut it all down. What they didn't realize is that Tony is all about contingencies. When he rebuilt the War Machine suit for James Rhodes he did so without the use of Starktech. He used Stanetech and bleeding edge cybernetics tech from other corporations. He needed a contingency in case something like this ever happened. But he also knew that a threat that could take out all of Starktech might be something a bit more imposing than even the War Machine suit could handle ... so he built something that packed a little more punch. Make sure you check out this issue to see what is going to be stomping a whole in the Skrull offensive.

Written by: David Tischman
Art by: Glenn Fabry
David Tischmann is perhaps best known for being Howard Chaykin's co-writer on some of Chaykin's more interesting projects since 1999. First they penned Son of Superman together, then later they worked on American Century for Vertigo and most recently the two have worked together on the pair of Bite Club mini-series. Together they create interesting characters and unique situations that make for rather fun reading that never tries too hard to be more than it is. Enter Greatest Hits. I think this is the first thing that I have ever read that David Tishcman has ever written on his own. And I think that is the best he has done so far (not to speak poorly of the work that he has done with Chaykin). Add to the project the truly great art of Glenn Fabry, both on the cover and on the interiors, and you've pretty well assured that I will buy at least the first issue. But like I said I think that this is some of Tischman's best work. What we have here is basically the superhero analog to The Beatles, known as The Mates. 4 British crime fighters who got together in the late sixties to fight the good fight. Fast forward about 40 years and you'll find yourself face to face with Nick Mansfield, the grown son of one of the members of The Mates, a flash in the pan film maker trying to resuscitate his career, his agent's best idea? Do a documentary about your father's exploits in the world's most famous superhero team. Which would have seemed obvious if Nick's father wasn't such an unmitigated jerk. I assure you that if you check this book out that you are in for a fun ride.
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