Titans. Nightwing, Beast Boy, Donna Troy, The Flash, Raven, Starfire, Red Arrow, and Cyborg. We have grown up with these characters and we have been privileged to watch them grow up as well. They've been through the hands of great writers throughout the years and the team has nearly done everything… then they grew up. Titans, written by Judd Winick (Barry Ween, Grean Arrow/Black Canary) and art by Joe Benitez (The Darkness, Weapon Zero), is the old team back together, only no longer teenagers (hence the title). I was very excited to see Judd Winick on this book because I am a huge fan of The Adventures of Barry Ween, Boy Genius. But despite my anticipation, I wasn’t sold on the first couple issues. But in this issue I began to gain more confidence in this title. In this issue, the Titans face-off the offspring of Trigon who are named after three of the seven deadly sins: Lust, Wrath, Envy. And I loved this issue because the powers of these enemies were very interesting and how the team handled the situation was very intriguing and fun. Although the fight itself was fun, towards the end I lost interest in the plans on Trigon and we had the cliché “re-uniting of the team” experience that I felt could have been done in a more unique way. As the story is getting better, I feel that the art is getting better as well. Joe Benitez did a great job penciling this issue and also the layout were very well done. So are all the kinks worked out of this title yet? No, not yet but it seems to be getting better and I look forward to the future of the Titans in Judd Winick’s hands.
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