Written By: Robert Kirkman
Art By: Ryan Ottley
Robert Kirkman, why? WHY?!?!?!?! Issue 52 of Invincible hit the shelves this week and any week an Invincible issue is released it is the first comic I read. This issue had comedy, action, and drama. We see the reappearance of the Crusher Twins (two of my favorite characters from the series) as they try to control the world’s communication through some evil and maniacal plan. It is up to invinciboy (Invincible) and Kid Omni-Man to deliver justice…severe justice. Kirkman delivers an excellent fight scene with some very, very, very shocking panels. The relationship between Invincible and Kid Omni-man also continues to grow in this issue. Kirkman leaves us with a cliffhanger that forces us to redefine what a true hero is. Though the story, as usual, is amazing and continues to hold the greatest superhero title the art in this issue was stunning. As soon as I think Ryan Ottley’s art cannot possibly get any better it always seems to with every issue. This is another great story from the image team of Kirkman and Ottley and once again I count down the days until the next issue.

Written By: David Lapham
Art By: David Lapham
There comes a time in every comic lovers life when he or she must step back after reading and issue and just simply state…WTF. In this case…David Lapham…WTF?!?! Just when you thought if midgets cutting genitals off was as crazy as this book could get, then go buy Young Liars #7 and be proven wrong. Young Liars, a story that I have loved and cherished since issue 1, has truly taken a turn for the… I don’t know. Issue #7 is the first part in the Spiders from Mars story arc. Though David Bowie is not in this issue, as messed up as this issue was…I think…I think I liked it. It could be that David Lapham’s previous projects, such as Stray Bullets, has done irreversible damage to by brain but all in all, I really liked this issue. I would tell you what its about but I (a) don’t want to ruin for you because believe me you need to read this issue and (b) I don’t even know what I would say and if I did say anything you wouldn’t get it. Sorry. But story aside, I have always been a big fan of Lapham’s art and this issue easily proves why. It’s an art style that is so familiar that when I read anything by him I always think of his previous works. I highly recommend this issue and just be prepared for what you may see. Good Luck and Godspeed.
With concerns to my immediate opinion about Young Liars #8 - If you could imagine what reading an issue of Stray Bullets featuring Amy Racecar would be like if you were also scarfing peyote then I think that you could grasp the experience of reading this issue ... my only hope is that this story is not too long to alienate the readership it has developed because not everyone is ready to experience this kind of storytelling.
I agree, this comic is straight ridiculous. As soon as I finished reading it, I turned to Donut and just kinda looked at him with what I'd imagine was a look of terror/amazement. Can't wait for the next issue!
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