**Spoiler Alert**

Written By: James Robinson
Art By: Renato Guedes
Supermen have been gracing the pages of comics since the very beginning in 1938. Since then, many superheroes have come into existence and I’m going to shed the spotlight on these titans of panels. First up, Superman #682, written by James Robinson and art by Renato Guedes, the sicth part of the New Krypton event, was an absolutely amazing issue. Clark continues to struggle with the death of his father while Kryptonians from the bottled city of Kandor slowly begin to assert their dominance over Metropolis and possibly the world. Atlas sits silently and waits and the very non-human Bizzaro feels some very human emotions by the death of Pa Kent (could his death be any more heart-breaking!!). And the ending features a character placed long ago within the Phantom Zone. With each passing issue, Superman rises among the ranks of greatest comic titles on the shelf. Though its hard not to with the Johns, Robinson, Gates trifecta. And one thing that makes this title is so great, and has so for many years, is the conflict between Clark’s human self and his Kryptonian self. This conflict once again resurfaces, as Clark must decide in the laws of man or of Krypton. It is this very conflict that makes Superman an enjoyable character for all generations to enjoy week after week, month after month. Renato Guedes…. someone needs to give you a high five because you are doing a phenomenal job on this book, A++. This book reminds everyone why Superman will remain one of the most cherished characters of all time. A character, that above all else, strives to be good.

Written By: Matt Fraction
Art By: Clay Mann & Patrick Zircher
On the other end of the side of things, Marvel also dishes out its heavy hitters. And perhaps one of its heaviest hitters is none other that Thor: Man of War. Written by Matt Fraction with art by Clay Mann and Patrick Zircher, Thor is character I was never familiar with. When I Marvel released that Matt Fraction would be doing a series of one-shots featuring this character, I decided now was the time to familiarize. These series of one-shots have been fantastic. Fraction takes a new approach to an old character, and describes Thor’s residence in the Hall of Asgard, his celestial home. Filled with violence and action, reminiscent of Conan the Barbarian, Fraction really delivers and explores just why Thor is a god. Throughout this issue, Thor lays waste to all of his father’s (Odin’s) creation to catch his attention. During this godly tantrum, Thor spars with Odin and ultimately is cast out of Asgard and placed into the body of Arkin Torsen. In hopes of teaching his son compassion, Odin casts him to Midgard… Earth where we see a hero transformed. Thor successfully learns compassion and humility and opens the doors to the beginning of the character Thor many have grown to know and love. With great story and great art, Thor: Man of War is a great issue for anyone who loves mythology (especially Norse) and anyone who is a fan of Conan the Barbarian or other similar titles. This is one of the most unique origin stories and is a story I would love to see on the silver screen…Marvel I’m talking to you. These characters show that Gods are good but it is humanity that makes them great.
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