Plot and Script by: Joe Casey
Interior Art by: Edgar Salazar
Colors by: Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Interior Art by: Edgar Salazar
Colors by: Romulo Fajardo Jr.
(Top: Alex Ross Cover, Below: John Cassaday Cover. These are only 2 of 8 covers in all.)

The Death Defying-Devil # 1 finds our Golden Age hero in present day but it seems to be buisness as usaual. Meaning our hero can still kick a little ass. You see things are little bit different but the same sheenagins are present. Such as, shady people doing shady things; therefore, the Devil must open up a can of whoop ass. The real test comes when an interesting, yet familiar looking player enters the game. A fight ensues until the bright lights shine down from on high, leaving us wondering what or should I say whose ass will be kicked next. For more info about the character The Death-Defying ’Devil, Bart Hill click on his name listed previously in this sentence.
Needless to say, I recommend this book to everyone who enjoys superhero comics. As well as all the other spin offs of Project Superpowers, which for those of you who do not own the issues can now get a very handsome hardcover copy of the first arc. After you pick that up all you need to do is grab Black Terror #1, The Death-Defying Devil #1, and to keep your eyes peeled for The Masqurade, as told by Phil Hester, that will becoming soon. Also keep your eyes locked to this site for my full review of Project Superpowers from the beginning to the present coming soon… I promise. My very first From The Milk Crates? Maybe… just maybe it may be so.
*From the editor’s desk: Due to the fact I have been called out on my horrible memory (cough… cough… you know who you are.) I am excited to tell you that I can’t wait to sit down and read all the Project Superpowers books. And when I finish my wonderful adventure I will tell the tale of this wonderful book by a wonderful team in great detail. For a man is only as good as his words. Now my words are “maybe I will maybe I won’t we will see what happens” but I am excited to write about this story that I believe to be underrated and over looked but definitely deserving of a blog log. I will get into that at a later date you have my words on that.

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