Written & Art by: Brahm Revel
Alright. Go back to your store. Speak with the clerk who is there, talk with the Manager if you must. Have them order Guerillas #1, #2, & #3 for you right that very instant. This is going to be one of the best books you read ever. And you're not already reading it. As a matter of fact if you don't start reading it soon you might miss out on one of the most overlooked books of 2008 and what might be the best book of 2009. Brahm Revel has created one of the most unique and pleasurable reading experiences of my comic reading life (20 or so years long now ... I've been reading comics for 20 years?!?! ... I'm old). With his deceptively simple pencils and incredible hand at inking and grey toning he has managed to make an amazing visual style that suits perfectly the story he is telling. Which is equally as amazing. The story is at once a dark and frightening look at what it must have been to be a soldier in Vietnam ... constantly kept in the dark of what your future holds, always afraid of what lay around the next corner, lied to by those who were meant to be your leader. At the same time it's brilliant the way he has juxtaposed John Clayton's experience among his squad, that of being the man left out, with his experience among the chimps ... one of solitude of a whole different kind. This is easily one of the most satisfying comics that I have read in a very long time and I think that it is a tragedy that more people aren't reading it. Make sure you at least check it out, you can read the whole first issue over at Newsarama, once you've read it make sure that, if you haven't already, you go to your local comic store and have it ordered for yourself ... I'll know if you don't
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