Let's go back to last Wednesday. The night of the final presidential debate and while most were people found themselves glued to the television as Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain verbally sparred their way through the last of their shared sound-byte fest I found myself on the SLU campus at The Billiken Club waiting for a night of music. First to play was the surprisingly amazing Judgement Day. Three men, one drummer, one violinist, and one cellist. And they rocked all of our faces with their own brand of String Metal (think indie rock Apocalyptica). It was easily one of the most intruiging opening acts I had seen in a long time and while they may not have been for everyone I personally was held rapt. I highly recommend that you check them out because I think that they have something truly awesome going on. Next up was David Vandervelde and while I found him entertaining I don't think he was something really worth writing home about when sandwiched in between two stunning acts. The headliner and who I was there to see was Margot & The Nuclear So and So's. They piled onto the stage, all nine of them, and they played some of the most enjoyable music I have heard in a very long time for an hour and change. If you like bands like The Decemberists, Sufjan Stevens, The Arcade Fire or Broken Social Scene I think you're bound to love their sound. I came away from the show feeling light and care free and must admit that it was one of the more enjoyable nights of recent memory (when you end your night at Uncle Bill's Pancake & Dinner though ... it's gonna be a good night).

I think that if you aren't going out and experiencing music live then you are really missing out on one hell of a fun experience and with all the great venues here in the Saint Louis Metro Area and with Columbia's Blue Note not too far away that there is no reason not to head out and check out something live.
P.S. Because of the Man Man show and a work commitment this week's Episode 37 will not be available until Tuesday night.
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