Written by: Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (with back up by Christos Gage)
Art by: Simon Coleby (with back up by Trevor Harsine)
The World's End continues here in the pages of The Authority. And everything I said last week in my review on WildCats #1 can again be said about Authority. If you ever enjoyed a Wildstorm Universe book and thought that the time where those books could be enjoyed were over then now is the time to check them out again. What they are doing is something that all companies that have a sense of cohesiveness to their universes should look at as an example of how to do things properly. Number of the Beast, a rather good mini-series that just concluded a few weeks ago shook up the whole status quo of the Wildstorm Universe and then from that the characters are now doing their best to react to what their world has become. There was no tie-in or ancillary titles, just Number of the Beast. The world has completely fallen apart and now it is time for the heroes who could do nothing to save the world as they knew it to do everything that they possibly can to make the world they now live in as livable as possible, to truly become heroes in a time of need. Now is the time to read the Wildstorm books without question, and even if you never want to go back to the Number of the Beast mini you can still just jump in and explore the world in it's decimated state and enjoy watching the heroes who had such ego, such power, such sureness to their every action, who now have no idea what to do from one moment to the next.
Written by: Ed Brubaker
Art by: Sean Phillips
Seriously, the numbers on this book aren't high enough yet. BUY THIS BOOK! It is easily the best book on the market and it is ridiculous how often I find that people haven't started reading this yet.
Just listen to episode 27 to hear all about how awesome it is.
Hellblazer Presents: Chas - The Knowledge #2
Written by: Simon Oliver
Art by: Goran Sudzuka
Man, what a great little horror story. And to think that crazy shit happens in England when John isn't around. And Simon Oliver is going to be writing Hellblazer when Diggle's run is through so now is a great time to get an idea for what you can kind of expect from his take on the Hellblazer world. And he has a really great take. Plus great art by Sudzuka who most probably thought only did fill in issues of Y: The Last Man ... foolish mortals.
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