Dear fellow Dorks,
This is your truly beloved Donut with a confession to make, regarding the topic of our melodic podcast that we hold so dear to our hearts....
I have found it painful, and saddening that I have been unable to fully listen to one of our podcasts for some time now. But fear not, I do this only in technical fault and to no intention of my own feelings. The reason is that I, as the broke ass, teenage comic lover that I am have yet to be able to catch up with the comic world to the point where I'm reading new books as they come out. That means unfortunately having to wait most times one or two weeks after the infamous Wednesday release.
It pains me to sit by and be able to do nothing on that most magical of days in our mortal weeks, and only dream of what new tales and events have been unfolded to the masses. But I am only one man, with a shitty job (pushing carts at a protestant owned slave emporium) and no escape in sight...
I promise to my fellow adventurers of the comic broadcasts, and its creators (my dearest Dorks) that I will push myself to a limit that I have never endured before to achieve equilibrium with my comic universe...

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I think it's time you start reconsidering where your funds are best spent if you are missing out on books for up to two weeks. I think that perhaps as well, that you should consider getting to be close enough with your comic store folks so that you might be able to read the books in your pull and hold on time and then buy them when you have the funds. I think if you make sure that when you have the money that you empty your pull and hold that they won't give you too much grief if you keep caught up in any way you have to.
first of all, why not be one more dude that reads comics for free at the shop. i'm pretty sure nobody will say peep about it. second, i'm pretty sure you could read fellow comicdorks books. third what do you spend your money on? besides the gal, of course. i hope the answer is smokes and booze. in the mean time you have a wonderful chance to read complete story arcs, get current on larger on going series, and then type articles about how great a time your havin being a kid who has some great resources for what books to read. in short use this time wisely. we as comicdorks are here to help but you gotta crawl before you walk, big dog. i appreciate you trying to explain yourself to us, needlessly, but you gotta remember you are talking to three people with school, work, gals, and friends aka social life to deal with as well. so excuses must be really good ones to be valid. this is all about fun. the sooner you realize this is fun the better but if it is not fun, it is not worth doing. you never know you might find its not fun and that's alright. who do you have to impress? have you even read my blog logs? if you have you know it don't take much to impress me. this is a labor of love for me, i know it is for scotty, not sure about darren because he is a rocker. (i kid) the whole idea is you write articles because you want too, not because you have too. if you need help give a shout. just dont say you want too if in reality it is a drag, thats good for no one. lastly never ever take an insult from me to heart you crazy fool.
p.s. there is always an escape you just gotta find it.
p.s.s. if you know someone who isn't a broke ass i would like to meet them
Oh, yeah, and like I told you ... one of the reasons I wanted you to start writing articles was because you were a broke ass high school student and I wanted to read articles about what it was like to be exploring comics during that most formidable times of a comicdorks' upbringing ... so yeah, listen to Rob, borrow books from those guys who are all around you who keep up, get behind and have to read stuff in gluts at a time ... and ... then write about it. That, to me, is something that I think that people would like to read about.
i'm gonna build a time machine so i can go back to where i was getting caught up in comics. just so i can write articles about what i read while it was fresh in my massively blown mind. to be able to read all those stories for the first time again would be a dream come true. i'm set to launch friday night if anybody wants to come along.
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