Thursday, May 29, 2008
Blog Log # 2 (loneliest hump day ever!)
p.s. Any music lovers out there? Lucero @ the Creepy Crawl this Friday! That's the 30th of May. You never know I might see you around a "rack". (I shoulda got paid for an advertisement like this!)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
What Do You Mean They're Not Superheroes?: Tales of The Black Freighter
The New York Times delves into the release of the direct-to-DVD Tales of the Black Freighter, which drops the week after the Watchmen movie comes out next spring. With DVD sales growing softer, Warner’s hoping that by releasing a tie-in with a theatrical event, they can help jumpstart the market and retailer interest:
The second film, tentatively called “Tales of the Black Freighter,” follows a side “Watchmen” storyline about a shipwreck and will arrive in stores five days after the main movie rolls out in theaters. The DVD will also include a documentary-style film called “Under the Hood” that will delve into the characters’ backstories.
Warner, the No. 1 distributor of DVDs, bills the effort as a way to renew retail excitement for little silver discs now that the once-booming market has matured.
After years of blistering growth, domestic DVD sales fell 3.2 percent last year to $15.9 billion, according to Adams Media Research, the first annual drop in the medium’s history. While it is still a blockbuster business, any decline is cause for concern because DVD sales can account for as much as 70 percent of revenue for a new film. Results for the first quarter this year were mixed, with overall sales flat but notable softness for some new releases like Warner’s box office hit “I Am Legend.”
Freighter will be animated, but according to a Warner rep has a budget that’s 30 percent to 50 percent higher than a typical direct-to-DVD project. Watchmen direct Zack Snyder says he was happy to do the DVD, because it meant he could use more material from the graphic novel.
ComicDorksCast Episode 016
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Running Time: 01:13:39
Go To www.fantasyshoponline.com and check out the Message Boards.
Check Out our Website at ComicDorkscast.blogspot.com.
The Music at the opening and closing of the show was: "Coffee & TV" by Blur.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Blog Log # 2 (HOW TO START A WAR!!!)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Blog Log #2 (two mornin's after)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Blog Log #2 (Giggity Giggity Oh Yeah)
p.s. I heard the Dixon stuff was pretty great as well. I still need to track it down, so I don't know. Let me know if you know.
p.s.s. (two words) VISTA SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want my XP back you bastards
Monday, May 19, 2008
ComicDorksCast Episode 015
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Running Time: 01:07:06
- 00:04:58 - Rob and Scott really liked Aaron Lopresti & Gail Simone's Wonder Woman #20
- 00:11:17 - Darren's Pick of the week - Thunderbolts #120
- 00:16:24 - The Dorks let no one rest in peace in Batman #676
- 00:24:09 - Scott's Pick of the week - 100 Bullets #91
- 00:33:47 - Scott was the only one who read Guardians of The Galaxy #1 and the rest of The Dorks missed out.
- 00:36:04 - Rob's Pick of the week - newuniversal: Shockfront #1
- 00:43:04 - Scott's Best Trade of Last Month - Life Sucks OGN
- 00:44:44 - Rob's Best Trade of Last Month - Birds of Prey: The Battle Within TP
- 00:50:11 - Darren's Best Trade of Last Month - Girls Vol. 1 Conception
- 00:53:23 - All the News of the Dork
- 01:01:17 - Scott's Anticipated Books for May 21st
- 01:01:48 - Rob's Anticipated Books for May 21st
- 01:02:47 - Darren's Anticipated Books for May 21st
Go To www.fantasyshoponline.com and check out the Message Boards.
Check Out our Website at ComicDorkscast.blogspot.com.
The Music at the opening and closing of the show was: "Mistaken For Strangers" by The National.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
What Do You Mean They're Not Superheroes?: Trying to Tune in to Radio Heads
But anyway.
Blog Log # 2 (One white dude without his shirt on shakin it while trying to fly away using his shirt as a helicopter!)
P.S. The titles of these blog logs are based on a true story. I was there. I sat behind him. It was awesome if I have ever seen awesome.
for more info or to see pictures of handsome men check out http://www.wilcoweb.com/
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Blog Log # 2 (What's more funner than a bunch of white people dancin?)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Blog Log # 2 (oh the glory of hump day)
Well this cracker says stay tuned for the podcast where I will show you that the word dumb and midwest should never be placed in the same sentence, I ain't no god damn sumnabitch you better think about that baby. So yee-ha! y'all comeback now. Rob
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
What Do You Mean They're Not Superheroes?: My Current Favorite Novelist
If case you are interested in reading some of his works I will provide some of the links to his novels:
Little Brother: Text and HTML
Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town: Text and HTML
Eastern Standard Tribe: Text and HTML
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom: Text and HTML
They are all really fun and really smart, some are really strange, some are pretty understandable. But I think, if you read them, and think about them, that they just might change the way you look at the world.
ComicDorksCast Episode 014
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Running Time: 01:17:13
- 00:03:04 - Fresh off the end of The Order Fraction goes all Invincible Iron Man #1
- 00:11:17 - Rob's Pick of the week - Detective #844
- 00:17:37 - The Boys talk The Boys #18
- 00:27:19 - Scott's Pick of the week - Maintenance #10
- 00:31:37 - Nothing secret about our opinions on Secret Invasion #2
- 00:40:05 - Darren's Pick of the week - HOUSE OF MYSTERY #1
- 00:48:10 - Rob's Best Book of Last Month - Catwoman #78
- 00:50:33 - Darren's Best Book of Last Month - Checkmate #25
- 00:53:09 - Scott's Best Book of Last Month - Boy Who Made Silence #2
- 00:54:30 - All the News of the Dork
- 01:07:30 - Scott's Anticipated Books for May 14th
- 01:09:24 - Rob's Anticipated Books for May 14 th
- 01:10:41 - Darren's Anticipated Books for May 14th
Go To www.fantasyshoponline.com and check out the Message Boards.
Check Out our Website at ComicDorkscast.blogspot.com.
The Music at the opening and closing of the show was: "Oh Yeah You Look Quite Nice" by Mother & The Addicts.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
What Do You Mean They're Not Superheroes?: Westerns
What is it about men who ride horses, carry six shooters, and wear 10 Gallon hats that fascinates me so? I don't know that I will ever know for certain. It all started when I was very, very young and I started waking up at around 5:30 in the morning to watch the old black and white Lone Ranger television show. There was some sort of instant connection for me and to this day I don't know where it came from. As I grew up I sort of lost my connection to the wild west. Sure I would watch the occasional movie here and there and some became fast favorites for one reason or another. Perhaps it is the ethical and moral ambiguity that the characters live in. Perhaps it is the same reason that I love noir. In essence the truly good westerns and the truly good noir stories are separated only by time and attire. But movies like Unforgiven, Once Upon A Time in the West, and television shows like Deadwood, The Lone Ranger developed in me an appreciation for the wild west. And it was only a matter of time and sufficient exposure that I became as big a fan of western comics.
To be honest I don't know what took me so long. I suppose that since a majority of comics that we are exposed to as an audience are super hero comics that it takes some of us longer to allow our focus to shift to stories that are other than those of capes, spandex, and cowls. But it also has to do with the cyclical being that is the comics market. It has only really been in the last 5 or so years that there has been a consistent readership for westerns. But if you are willing to venture outside your comfort zone and read books that are spandex free then you are in for a treat.
From the immensely dense to the instantly accessable westerns run the same gamut as normal comics. With tales of the weird wild west like Wildstorm's (and later IDW's) Desperadoes by Jeff Marrioette and a slew of really great artists, The Big Book of The Weird Wild West, Zuda Comics' High Moon, Doug Tenapel's Iron West, as well as others striking that chord in all of us that yearns to see Zombies, Werewolves, Robots and what ever else you could imagine to the familiar setting of the American West. The Dark Western tales like Brian Azzarello's Loveless and El Diablo from DC's Vertigo line as well as DC's wonderful anti-hero, penned by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti, Jonah Hex bring the wonderful ethical ambiguity that is so familiar to Noir and is more akin to the spaghetti westerns of film. And of course the more traditional westerns like The Lone Ranger and Bat Lash that continue the genre that most everyone is already so familiar with.
Westerns are fast becoming a go to genre for the great creators in the world of comics and I think that if you are looking for something great to read that you aren't already reading that perhaps a western is in your future, and if it isn't it probably should be.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Blog Log # 2 (My name is Cletus. I know Things!)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Blog Log # 2 (my old friend the blues, there's nothin lonelier than that)
Monday, May 5, 2008
What Do You Mean They're Not Superheroes?: New Dark Knight Trailer
Watch it and tell us what you think.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
ComicDorksCast Episode 013
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Running Time: 01:19:28
- 00:02:54 - The terrible art does not disturb our enjoyment of Action Comics #864
- 00:09:56 - Scott's Pick of The Week: Ex Machina #36
- 00:16:18 - We zero in on the controversial DC Universe Zero
- 00:31:29 - Darren's Pick of The Week: Thor: Ages of Thunder - One Shot
- 00:35:35 - Continuing the week of controversy New Avengers #40
- 00:40:07 - Rob's Pick of The Week: Green Lantern #30
- 00:45:05 - A rundown of some great free Net Comics
- 01:12:05 - Scott's anticipated books for May 7th
- 01:12:57 - Darren's anticipated books for May 7th
- 01:13:50 - Rob's anticipated books for May 7th
Go To www.fantasyshoponline.com and check out the Message Boards.
Check Out our Website at ComicDorkscast.blogspot.com.
The Music at the opening and closing of the show was: "The Times They Are A-Changin'" by Bob Dylan.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Blog Log #2 (Cold and Dead In STL)
Friday, May 2, 2008
What Do You Mean They're Not Superheroes?: Free Comic Book Day!
IRON MAN was totally awesome, go see it, then next Wednesday head to the comic store you went to for free comic book day and get Invincible Iron Man #1 and Iron Man: Viva Las Vegas #1 to see what Tony is up to these days!
What Do You Mean They're Not Superheroes?: A Bunch of Things
So, we here at The ComicDorksCast love comics, as should be well documented by now. But we also love other things. Like television, movies, music, novels, the internet, technology, and well ... anything we can get our hands on I suppose. Like I mentioned last episode we are going to be expanding our coverage here on The ComicDorksCast website. The Podcast will always be about the weeks comics and the news and the things we are excited about in the world of comics. But, the site is going to become more representative of all of our interests.
And so I bring you the following:
Went to a concert last night at The Billiken Club, over in the student center at Saint Louis University. It was Caribou (who you heard in the opening and closing music on Episode 12) with the band F**k Buttons opening for them. It was a really great show. Caribou blew my mind. For a band that sounds so intricate on studio albums to sound so great live was a real surprise to me (despite my having seen Explosions in the Sky live). I am really starting to understand and appreciate live music in a way I never really had before. And F**k Buttons re-opened my eyes to electronica and made picking up their album seem like the absolute right thing to do. Free concerts are scheduled all the time at The Billiken Club and if you're in the Saint Louis Metro area you really couldn't find a wider variety of acts on stage (despite the venue being kind of sub-par). Free show + Vitamin Water & a BBQ Beef tortilla Pizza for me ($7) + a Soda & Brownie for Steff ($3) + Caribou Tour CD & T-Shirt ($20) + F**k Buttons CD ($15) = $45 night out on the town and one hell of a time.
So, for a while now I have been using Twitter to keep apprised of the goings on of some of my favorite comics creators, podcasters, and NPR's top headlines, but in the last couple of days I have decided that it was probably time to start using it for myself and updating the goings on of my own life. So, if you are interested in following me on Twitter you can do so by heading over to www.twitter.com/Ronin_46 where you can hear what is going on in my life as well some really short comic reviews as I finish reading my books every week. Think of it as a chance to get inside my head.
I love television. I love the hour long drama format and I love the serialized story telling format. It's one of the reasons I love comics. I love the gap between episodes or issues, it makes my brain have to work through what might have happened in the issue and draw my own conclusions. But, I can't find the time to actually keep up on the television shows that I like. So, for a long time I would download them via Bit Torrent and watch them at my leisure. But that takes up a lot of hard drive space and requires more time than is sometimes worth committing. UNTIL! I found this website thanks to my friend Steff and it has been a total lifesaver. www.surfthechannel.com has a huge catalog of television shows that you can check out and watch full episodes of without the pesky frustration of having to download anything. Think of it as YouTube for television. SO CHECK IT OUT!
Cory Doctorow's new book "Little Brother" came out last week and I picked it up today. Having loved his previous three novels I knew I was going to buy this one, however if you are unfamiliar with Doctorow, no worries you can read all of his novels for free over at his website www.craphound.com or you can get the DRM free audiobook by clicking on the link provided on the sidebar of this very site.
See, we're more than just Comic Dorks!