Written By: Gail Simone
Art By: Nicola Scott
Two days late… that’s not too bad. I’ve been gone a while and a lot of things have changed since I left. The ComicDorks have entered into Bizarro month, which I am very excited about. Hopefully it will give us the chance to give some just recognition to books that take the sidelines on the podcast and hopefully give you the chance to check out these great titles. I just picked up the last two weeks of books yesterday and I read them all in one sitting… a lot of good stuff. But two books that really caught my eye were both faces of evil titles. The first one I wanted to talk about was Secret Six #5. Gail Simone continues to stun and amaze… did I mention stun?? With this issue, I’ve recognized that Simone has instilled in me a sense of love for the character Bane. I never really gave much thought to this character or what happened to him but now I often find myself rooting for him throughout these pages. Simone has also created one of the creepiest characters to date…Junior. His endless pursuit for the “get out of jail free” card provides for some excellent… torturing scenes. It was also great to get inside the mind of Floyd Lawton and Bane. Gail Simone continues to flesh out this already well-established Secret Six team and only further details the relationships between each character. As stated once before on the podcast… THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS COMING OUT and I would go as far as to state that it is THE best superhero team book on the shelves. Not only is there an amazingly talented writer on this book but also words cannot describe Nicola Scott’s artwork. I was absolutely blown by the first issue but it only seems to get better and better. So pick up this book and discover why Nicola Scott was considered for best talent deserving wider recognition in the 2008 poll. I guess that’s all there is to say… o yea… “He is my sister!”

Written By: Paul Dini
Art By: Dustin Nguyen
As we move onward, Hush graces the cover of this next issue, which is none other than Detective Comics #852. So I know many Batman fans may be confused has to how a Batman book can good… without Batman. Well it is true, Gotham’s Dark Knight is no longer suiting up and kicking super-villain ass but that doesn’t mean that a Batman book can’t be good. As seen in the Batman series with Nightwing taking over, the book has taken many interesting turns. The same can be said for Detective Comics. We open up to find Thomas Elliot a broken man. After being defeated by Batman (in a flying chair**) and having his fortune stripped away by Catwoman, Hush is on the edge of despair. After a failed attempt at suicide, Hush discovers how much power he still processes by looking like Bruce Wayne. It is from this point on the we see the Hush that we’ve grown to know and hate as he lies, steals, and kills his way back to the top. Paul Dini continues to rock face on this book as he has been for many, many months. Dustin Nguyen is rocking equal face via pencils and is really giving this Batman book a dark, gritty feel. Well that is the brief mentions for the week; I guess there is only one more face of evil to show… Enjoy!

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