Hey All! We've moved the Blog portion of the ComicDorksCast over to The Fantasy Shop's Website! Just Click on Wallace The Dragon to find all our new articles. We will still be posting the episodes here as to not interrupt those who have subscribed through iTunes and various other podcatchers but all of our articles have found a new home. Come find us! We've got reviews on games as well and the message boards are once again alive and active!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Blog Log # 2 (I THINK GREEN CHICKS ARE HOT!!! There I said it and now, so can you.)

Little late, I know. I blame the back issue sale. If you didn't make it, well...sorry, you missed out. Don't worry, there will be more. Keep in touch with The Fantasy Shop (via web page http://www.fantasyshoponline.com/ or stop by.) On with the qoute of the week. Beware it's a doozey! "I'm not sure. She-Hulk sexed me and then left abruptly. I feel so used." Words of a god, obviously.(only a god could handle a woman like that. are you picking up what I'm laying down?) - Rob

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