Unlike my co-host, I have been in the comic world for a very short time. When I was young, I would read a comic here or there, but not as much as I do today. When I entered high school, I began to visit the St. Charles Fantasy Shop to play a card game (which I’m sure you have heard of) called Magic: The Gathering. As I entered this store on an almost daily basis, the several comic racks always caught my eye. Day after day, I would browse through these racks and everyday my interest in comics increased.
In 2005, I walked into the fantasy shop, and spotted what would become my first comic book Origin: The True Story of Wolverine. After reading this comic I was emerged into a world filled with great storytelling and eye-popping artwork. It was also at this comic shop that I met my co-host, Scott. For a year, I stuck mainly to only trade paperbacks, but upon going to Wizard World: Chicago, in 2006, I discovered how much the comic world had to offer. Immediately upon my return, I opened a pull & hold and delved into the world of single-issue comics. As weeks passed, Wednesdays became more and more exciting and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the books that came out that week.
I now go to school at the University of Missouri – Columbia and major in journalism. I currently shop at three comic stores: Rock Bottom Comics (Columbia), St. Charles Fantasy Shop, and Fairview Heights Fantasy Shop. Some of my favorite titles include: Preacher, Transmetropolitan, Bone, Watchmen (obviously), and Strangers In Paradise. With every passing week, I journey deeper into the world of comics and I invite you to join me.
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